Brian Kamer, Jean Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Ultrafast dynamics of "air lasing" with high resolution spectroscopy in filaments., In Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics I UAE2017, IOP Conference proceedings (2017)
J. Hendrie, H Afkhamiardakani, L Arissian, and J-C Diels, Intracavity sensors based on interferometry of frequency combs, In Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics I UAE2017, IOP Conference proceedings (2017)
Amin Rasoulof, Jean Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Measurement of polarization dependent nonlinear index for ultrashort pulse propagation in gas, In Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics I UAE2017, IOP Conference proceedings (2017)
Ning Hsu and J.-C. Diels, How short should your nonlinear crystal be for pulse diagnostic?, In CLEO, page STu4I.4. Optical Society of America (2017)
Ali Rastegari, Matthias Lenzner, Chengyong Feng, Ladan Arissian, Jean-Claude Diels, and Kristen Peterson, Exploiting shock wave and self-absorption for high resolution laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, In CLEO, page JW2A.77. Optical Society of America (2017)
Brian Kamer, Jean-Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Ultrafast spectroscopy using coherent wavepackets, In CLEO, page JTh2A.17. Optical Society of America (2017)
Brian Kamer, Ali Rastegari, Mohammadamin Rasoulof, and Ladan Arissian, Nitrogen laser guide star using four wave mixing, In CLEO, page JTh2A.80. Optical Society of America (2017)
Matthias Lenzner, Ali Rastegari and Jean-Claude Diels, Using a Sagnac Fourier spectrometer for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, In CLEO, page AF2B.3, Optical Society of America (2017)
Anthony Valenzuela, Kristopher Behler, Zachary Brunson, Ali Rastegar, Chengyong Feng, Christopher Wolfe, Laura Vanderhoef, Brian Kramer, Ladan Arissian, Aaron Schweinsberg, Jean-Claude Diels, and Aaron Stebner, Comparison of filament-generated periodic surface features using different laser wavelengths, In CLEO, page STh3J, Optical Society of America (2017)
James Hendrie, Matthias Lenzner, Ladan Arissian and Jean-Claude Diels , Intracavity phase interferometry enhanced with resonant linear dispersion, In Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, pp. 1-2. Optical Society of America (2017)
Chengyong Feng, Xiaozhen Xu, and Jean-Claude Diels, Multi-joule, sub-200ps laser pulse generation via SBS sub-phonon lifetime pulse compression, In CLEO: 2017, page STu4O.7. Optical Society of America (2017)
Ning Hsu and J.-C. Diels, High dynamic range single shot diagnostic of ultrashort pulses applied to optical parametric oscillator, In Photonics West, SPIE-LASE, 10089:10089-25, SPIE (2017)