Book Errata

This page lists errors in the second edition of Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena by Jean-Claude Diels and Wolfgang Rudolph, Elsevier Inc. 2006.

Page Correction
38 For BK7 at 620 nm, k'' is 6.52692 x 10-26 s2/m, and the GVD as introduced above is about 320 fs per nm spectral width and m propagation length.
169 Equations 3.86, 3.87, 3.89 and 3.90 are all missing a factor of one over two pi on the right hand side.
174 Equation 3.102 is missing a factor of two on the right hand side.
174-175 Equations 3.105, 3.106 and 3.107 are missing a factor of one over two pi on the right hand side.
180-181 Equations 3.112, 3.113 and 3.117 are missing a factor of two on the right hand side.
182 Equations 3.120, 3.121, and 3.122 each contain 3 separate errors: A factor of one over two pi is missing in the first term on the right hand side of all equations, in the same terms omega and omega prime are swapped in several places and finally the sign of the second term on the right hand side should be a minus and not a plus in all three terms. A correct version of the formulas, can be found here. A detailed and corrected treatment of the very similar case of difference frequency generation (DFG) is available here. The problem is completely analogous if one replaces the second harmonic by the DFG pump, and the extraordinary and ordinary fundamental waves by the DFG signal and idler.
189 Equations 3.127, 3.128 and 3.129 are missing a factor of two on the right hand side.
464 The interferometric autocorrelations in equations 9.17 and 9.19 should have a factor 2 before the last exp's (the right hand side does not add up to 16 otherwise).
638 A sentence was inserted for clarification just before equation E.2. The corrected page is available here.