
Journal Papers


  • Ali Rastegari and Jean-Claude Diels, Investigation of UV filaments and their applications, APL Photonics, Vol 6, Issue 6, 060803 (Link)


  • Luke Horstman, Ning Hsu, James Hendrie, David Smith and Jean-Claude Diels, Exceptional points and the ring laser gyroscope, Photonics Research Journal, Vol 8, Issue 3 (2020) (Link)


  • Kristina Lipinska, Luke A. Emmert, Francesca Cavallo, and Jean-Claude Diels, Ultrafast laser-generated structural modifications in an Er-doped heavy metal oxide glass, Optics Materials Express, Vol. 9, Issue 5, pp. 2098-2106 (2019) (Link)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani and Jean-Claude Diels, Controlling group and phase velocities in bidirectional mode-locked fiber lasers, Optics Letters, vol. 44, Issue 11, pp. 2903-2906 (2019) (Link)
  • Ali Rastegari, Matthias Lenzner, Jean-Claude Diels, Kristen Peterson, and Ladan Arissian, High-resolution remote spectroscopy and plasma dynamics induced with UV filaments, Optics Letters, vol. 44 Issue 1, pp. 147-150 (2019) (Link)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Luke Horstman, Ladan Arissian, and Jean-Claude Diels, Low Power (mW) nonlinearities of polarization maintaining fibers, Photonics Research, Vol. 7, Issue 12, pp. 1386-1390 (2019) (Link)
  • A. Sukhinin, A. Aceves, and J. Diels, Two-color pulse collapse events in dispersive media, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, G62-G67 (2019). (Link)
  • David Smith, Hongrok Chang, Luke Horstman, and Jean-Claude Diels, Parity-time-symmetry-breaking gyroscopes: lasing without gain and subthreshold regimes, Optics Express, Vol. 27, Issue 23, pp. 34169-34191 (2019) (Link)


  • Ladan Arissian, Brian Kamer, Ali Rastegari, David Villeneuve, and Jean-Claude Diels, Transient gain from N+2 in light filaments, Physical Review A 98, 053438 (2018) (Link)


  • M. Lenzner and J.-C. Diels, A Sagnac Fourier spectrometer, Optics Express, 25:A447-A453 (2017) (Link)
  • Elise Schubert, Ali Rastegari, Chengyong Feng, Denis Mongin, Brian Kamer, Jerome Kaspa- rian, Jean-Pierre Wolf, Ladan Arissian, and Jean-Claude Diels, Hv discharge acceleration by sequences of uv laser fi laments with visible and near-infrared pulses, New Journal of Physics, 19(12):123040 (2017)
  • A. Sukhinin, A. B. Aceves, J.-C. Diels, and L. Arissian, Collapse events of two-color optical beams, Phys. Rev. A., 95:031801(R) (2017)
  • Chengyong Feng, Xiaozhen Xu, and Jean-Claude Diels, High-energy sub-phonon lifetime pulse compression based on stimulated Brillouin scattering in liquids, Opt. Express 25, 12421-12434 (2017)


  • M. Lenzner and J.-C. Diels, Concerning the spatial heterodyne spectrometer, Optics Express, 24:1829-1839 (2016)
  • Shermineh Rostami, Michael Chini, Khan Lim, John P. Palastro, Magali Durand, Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissian, Matthieu Baudelet, and Martin Richardson, Dramatic enhancement of supercontinuum generation in elliptically-polarized laser fi laments, Scienti c Reports, 6:20363-20369 (2016)
  • Koji Masuda, James Hendrie, Jean-Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian., Envelope, group and phase velocities in a nested frequency comb, Journal of Physics B, 49:085402 (2016)
  • Chengyong Feng, Jean-Claude Diels, and Xiaozhen Xu, Spatio-temporal characterization of pulses obtained from a high-energy sub-nanosecond laser system, Applied Optics, 55:1603-16012 (2016)
  • James Hendrie, Matthias Lenzner, Hanieh Akhamiardakani, Jean-Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Impact of resonant dispersion on the sensitivity of intracavity phase interferometry and laser gyros, Optics Express, 24:30402-304010 (2016)


  • A. Sukhinin, A. B. Aceves, J.-C. Diels, and L. Arissian, On the co-existence of ir and and uv optical filaments, Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 48:094021 (2015)
  • Chengyong Feng, Jean-Claude Diels, Xiaozhen Xu and Ladan Arissian, Ring-shaped backward stimulated Raman scattering driven by stimulated Brillouin scattering, Optics Express 23:17035{17045 (2015)
  • Koji Masuda, Christoph Affolderbach, Gaetano Mileti, Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Self-induced transparency and coherent population trapping of 87Rb vapor in a mode-locked laser, Optics Letters 40:2146-2149 (2015)
  • Andreas Velten, Andreas Schmitt-Sody, Jean-Claude Diels, Shermineh Rostami, Amin Rasoulof, Chengyong Feng and Ladan Arissian, Videos of light filamentation in air, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48:094020 (2015)
  • Shermineh Rostami, J.-C. Diels, and L. Arissian, Polarization evolution of ultrashort pulses in air, Optics Express, 23: 3299-3307 (2015)
  • K. Masuda, E.I. Vaughan, L. Arissian, J.P. Hendrie, J. Cole, J.-C. Diels and A.A. Hecht, Novel techniques for high precision refractive index measurements, and application to assessing neutron damage and dose in crystals, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 784:198–201 (2015)
  • R. Gowda, N. Nguyen, J.-C. Diels, R. Norwood, N. Peyghambarian, and K. Kieu, All-fiber bidirectional optical parametric oscillator for precision sensing, Optics Letters, 40:2033–2036 (2015)


  • X. Xu and J.-C. Diels, Stable single-axial-mode operation of injection-seeded Q-switched Nd: YAG laser by real-time resonance tracking method, App. Phys. B, 144:579 (2014) (Link)
  • Arissian, L. and Diels, J.-C., Intracavity phase interferometry: frequency combs sensor inside a laser cavity, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8: 799–826. doi:10.1002/lpor.201300179 (2014)
  • Chengyong Feng, Xiaozhen Xu, and Jean-Claude Diels, Generation of 300 ps laser pulse with 1.2 J energy by stimulated brillouin scattering in water at 532 nm, Optics Letters, 39:3367–3370 (2014)
  • Xiaozhen Xu, Chengyong Feng, and Jean-Claude Diels, Optimizing sub-ns pulse compression for high energy application, Optics Express, 22:13904–13915 (2014)
  • L. Arissian and J.-C. Diels, Ultrafast electron plasma index; an ionization perspective, Journal of Lasers, Optics & Photonics, 1:107–111 (2014)


  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, 4D movie technique to study filaments, plasma and light induced discharge, 2nd International Laser Weather Conference, Gen`eve, September 2013.


  • L. Arissian, D. Mirell, S. Rostami, A. Bernstein, D. Faccio and J.-C. Diels, The effect of propagation in air on the filament spectrum, Optics Express, 20, 8337-8343(2012) (Link)


  • X. Luo, L. Arissian, K. Masuda, and J.-C. Diels, Group and phase velocity coupling of colliding pulses in a nanostructure, Optics Lett., 36, 3885-3887(2011) (Link)


  • M. Kolesik, D. Mirell, J. C. Diels, and J. V. Moloney, On the higher-order kerr effect in femtosecond filaments, Optics Lett., 35:3685–3687 (2010)
  • V. Kubecek, M. Jelinek, P. Hirsl, and J.-C. Diels, 0.4 mj quasi-continuously pumped picosecond Nd:GdVO4 laser with selectable pulse duration, Laser Physics, 20:DOI 10.1002 (2010)
  • Andreas Velten, Andreas Schmitt-Sody, and Jean-Claude Diels, Precise intracavity phase measurement in an optical parametric oscillator with two pulses per cavity round-trip, Optics Letters, 35:1181–1183 (2010)
  • A. Schmitt-Sody,K. Masuda, A. U. Velten, and J.-C. Diels, Intra-cavity mode locked laser magnetometer, Optics Comm., 283, 3339-3341(2010) (Link)
  • A. Braga, J.-C. Diels, R. Jain, R. Kay, and L. Wang, Bidirectional mode-locked fiber ring laser using self-regenerative, passively controlled, threshold gating, Optics letters, 35, 2648-2650 (2010) (Link)
  • J. -C. Diels, J. Yeak, D. Mirell, R. Fuentes, S. Rostami, D. Faccio and P. di Trapani, Air filaments and vacuum, LASER PHYSICS, 20, 1101-1106(2010) (Link)
  • J. -C. Diels, X. Luo, X. Xu, K. Masuda and L. Arissian, Definitions and control of the CEP and CEO, LASER PHYSICS, 20, 1038-1043(2010) (Link)


  • L. Arissian and J.-C. Diels, Investigation of carrier to envelope phase and repetition rate: fingerprints of mode-locked laser cavities, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 183001(2009) (Link)
  • A. U. Velten, A. Zavadilova, V. Kubecek, and J.-C. Diels, Instabilities in intracavity pumped optical parametric oscillators and methods of stabilization, Appl. Phys. B, 98, 13(2010) (Link)
  • V. Kubecek, M. Drahokoupil, P. Zatorsky, P. Hirsl, M. Cech, A. Stintz, and J.-C. Diels, Quasi-continuously pumped passively mode-locked operation of a Nd:GdVO4 and Nd:YVO4 laser in a bounce geometry, Laser Physics, 19:396–399 (2009)


  • A. Schmitt-Sody, L. Arissian, A.U. Velten, and J.-C. Diels, Rabi cycling of two pulses in a mode-locked ring laser cavity with electro-optical control, Phys. Rev. A 78, 063803(2008) (Link)
  • D. Mirell, O. Chalus, K. Peterson, and J.-C. Diels, Remote sensing of explosives using infrared and ultraviolet filaments, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25, B108-B111 (2008) (Link)
  • A. Schmitt-Sody, A. U. Velten, Y. Liu, L. Arissian, and J.-C. Diels, High power hybrid mode-locked external cavity semiconductor laser using tapered amplifier with large tunability, Research Letters in Optics(2008)
  • O. Chalus, A. Sukhininb, A. Acevesb and J.-C. Diels, Propagation of non-diffracting intense ultraviolet beams, Optics. Communications, 281, 3356-3360 (2008) (Link)
  • D. D. Smith, H. Chang, L. Arissian, and J.-C. Diels, Dispersive-enhanced laser gyroscope, Physical Review A, 78:053824 (2008)


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Intense laser pulse propagation in the atmosphere, Seminar, Kansas State University, 2007
  • V. Kubecek, W. Zendzian, J. K. Janczynski, J. Kwiatkowski, H. Jelinkova, A. Stinz and J.-C. Diels, Side pumped Nd:YAG slab laser mode-locked using multible quantum well saturable absorbers, Laser Physics Letter,5,1 (2007)
  • O. Chalus and J.-C. Diels, Lifetime of fluorocarbon for high-energy stimulated brillouin scattering, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 24:606-608 (2007)
  • L. Arissian and J.-C. Diels, Carrier to envelope and dispersion control in a cavity with prism pairs, Physical Review A, 75:013814-013824 (2007)
  • A. Zavadilova, V. Kubecek and J.-C. Diels, Picosecond optical parametric oscillator pumped syncronously, intracavity, by a mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser, Laser Physics Letters, 4:103-108 (2007)

Conference Publications


  • Jean-Claude M. Diels, Luke Horstman, Ning Hsu, Hanieh Afkhamiardakani , Striving for the fundamental and practical signal to noise limit, SPIE: OPTO (Link)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Jean-Claude Diels, Generation of correlated dual frequency combs in fiber lasers for high-precision metrology, SPIE: OPTO (Link)
  • Ali Rastegari and Jean-Claude Diels, Investigation of the plume generated in LIBS process induced by a ps UV laser , OSA: CLEO (Link)
  • Luke Horstman, Ning Hsu, James P. Hendrie, and Jean-Claude Diels, Limits of Resolution for Sensors based on Correlated Frequency Combs, OSA: CLEO (Link)


  • Ali Rastegari, Brian Kamer, Jean Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian , Spatio-temporal measurement of super-fluorescence from light filaments in air, OSA: CLEO (Link)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Jean-Claude Diels, Fast monitoring of fiber core temperature changes based on birefringence in polarization maintaining fibers, SPIE: OPTO (Link)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Jean-Claude Diels, Milliwatt power nonlinearities in polarization maintaining fibers with microsecond response time, SPIE: LASE (Link)
  • Jean-Claude M. Diels, Ultrasensitive sensing with combs: when squeezing is not only for hugs, SPIE: OPTO (Link)
  • James Hendrie, Ning Hsu, Ladan Arissian, Matthias Lenzner, and Jean-Claude Diels , Enhancement of the response of an intracavity mode-locked phase sensor, OSA: CLEO (Link)


  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani and Jean-Claude Diels, Passive Q-switching based on nonlinear effect of multimode interference in tapered fiber, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), OSA Technical Digest, paper STh4L.6 (2019) (Link)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani and Jean-Claude Diels, Control of group velocities in mode-locked lasers with two intracavity pulses, in SPIE OPTO proc. 10934, Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement Enhanced Precision Metrology, 109340G (2019) (Link)
  • T. Produit, G. Schimmel, E. Schubert, D. Mongin, A. Rastegari, C. Feng, B. Kamer, L. Arissian, J.C. Diels, P. Walch, B. Mahieu, Y.B. Andre, A. Houard, C. Herkommer, R. Jung, T. Metzger, K. Michel, A. Mysyrowicz, J.P. Wolf, and J. Kasparian , Multi-Wavelength Laser Control of High Voltage Discharges: From the Laboratory to Santis Mountain, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), OSA Technical Digest, paper JM2E.5 (2019) (Link)
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissian, Brian Kamer, Ali Rastegari, Nonlinear transient properties of laser induced waveguides, in SPIE LASE proc. 10904, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXI, 109040B (2019) (Link)
  • Ladan Arissian, Jean-Claude Diels, Brian Kamer, Stark shift and gain decay in air lasing of N2+, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), OSA Technical Digest, paper FTh1M.4 (2019) (Link)


  • James Hendrie, Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Luke Horstman, Matthias Lenzner, Ladan Arissian, and Jean-Claude Diels, Novel free space and fiber laser cavities demonstrating extreme sensitivities in Intracavity Phase Interferometry systems, in Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America), paper LW6F.5. (2018)
  • Ning Hsu, Luke Horstman, Jean-Claude Diels, Cascading Nonlinearity Inside a Spectrometer (CaNIS) for Ultrashort Pulse Diagnostics, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper STh3N.7. (Link)
  • James Hendrie, Ning Hsu, Jean-Claude Diels, Matthias Lenzner, Ladan Arissian, Exotic Nonlinear Effects by Inserting a Low Finesse Resonator in a Mode-Locked Laser Cavity, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper FTh1M.2. (Link)
  • Ladan Arissian, Ali Rastegari, Brian Kamer, and Jean-Claude Diels, Enhanced resolution in remote sensing using UV filaments with long pulses, in Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America), paper JW3A.6 (2018) (Link)
  • Ali Rastegari, Matthias Lenzner, Ladan Arissian, Jean-Claude Diels, Kristen Peterson, Utilization of self-absorption for high resolution laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper SM1O.7. (Link)
  • Ali Rastegari, Chengyong Feng, Jean-Claude Diels, , Investigation of the waveguide generated by UV filamentation, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JTu2A.161. (Link)
  • Ning Hsu, Luke Horstman, and J.C. Diels, Pulse characterization by cascading nonlinearity inside a spectrometer (CANIS), Proc. SPIE 10517, Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications III, 105170M (2018)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Mehran Tehrani, Jean-Claude Diels, Extension of the Stable Operation of an all-Polarization Maintaining Mode-Locked Fiber Laser, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JTh2A.141. (Link)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, James Hendrie, Luke Horstman, Mehran Tehrani, Jean-Claude Diels, Ultrasensitive phase sensing inside a mode-locked fiber laser, In OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 2018. OSA
  • Anthony Valenzuela, Kristopher Behler, Ali Rastegar, Chengyong Feng, Brian Kramer, Ladan Arissian, Aaron Schweinsberg, Jean-Claude Diels, and Aaron Stebner, Multiscale periodic surface structures generated by short and ultrashort pulse laser fi laments at di fferent wavelengths., In High power laser ablation conference, Optical Society of America (2018)


  • Brian Kamer, Jean Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Ultrafast dynamics of "air lasing" with high resolution spectroscopy in fi laments., In Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics I UAE2017, IOP Conference proceedings (2017)
  • J. Hendrie, H Afkhamiardakani, L Arissian, and J-C Diels, Intracavity sensors based on interferometry of frequency combs, In Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics I UAE2017, IOP Conference proceedings (2017)
  • Amin Rasoulof, Jean Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Measurement of polarization dependent nonlinear index for ultrashort pulse propagation in gas, In Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics I UAE2017, IOP Conference proceedings (2017)
  • Ning Hsu and J.-C. Diels, How short should your nonlinear crystal be for pulse diagnostic?, In CLEO, page STu4I.4. Optical Society of America (2017)
  • Ali Rastegari, Matthias Lenzner, Chengyong Feng, Ladan Arissian, Jean-Claude Diels, and Kristen Peterson, Exploiting shock wave and self-absorption for high resolution laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, In CLEO, page JW2A.77. Optical Society of America (2017)
  • Brian Kamer, Jean-Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Ultrafast spectroscopy using coherent wavepackets, In CLEO, page JTh2A.17. Optical Society of America (2017)
  • Brian Kamer, Ali Rastegari, Mohammadamin Rasoulof, and Ladan Arissian, Nitrogen laser guide star using four wave mixing, In CLEO, page JTh2A.80. Optical Society of America (2017)
  • Matthias Lenzner, Ali Rastegari and Jean-Claude Diels, Using a Sagnac Fourier spectrometer for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, In CLEO, page AF2B.3, Optical Society of America (2017)
  • Anthony Valenzuela, Kristopher Behler, Zachary Brunson, Ali Rastegar, Chengyong Feng, Christopher Wolfe, Laura Vanderhoef, Brian Kramer, Ladan Arissian, Aaron Schweinsberg, Jean-Claude Diels, and Aaron Stebner, Comparison of fi lament-generated periodic surface features using diff erent laser wavelengths, In CLEO, page STh3J, Optical Society of America (2017)
  • James Hendrie, Matthias Lenzner, Ladan Arissian and Jean-Claude Diels , Intracavity phase interferometry enhanced with resonant linear dispersion, In Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, pp. 1-2. Optical Society of America (2017)
  • Chengyong Feng, Xiaozhen Xu, and Jean-Claude Diels, Multi-joule, sub-200ps laser pulse generation via SBS sub-phonon lifetime pulse compression, In CLEO: 2017, page STu4O.7. Optical Society of America (2017)
  • Ning Hsu and J.-C. Diels, High dynamic range single shot diagnostic of ultrashort pulses applied to optical parametric oscillator, In Photonics West, SPIE-LASE, 10089:10089-25, SPIE (2017)


  • Brian Kamer, Ladan Arissian, Chengyong Feng, Amin Rasoulof and Jean-Claude Diels, Influence of rotational wavepackets on the nitrogen ion emission in filaments, Ultrafast phenomena conference (2016)
  • Ladan Arissian and Jean Claude Diels, Time dependent polarization measurement in plasma, In Book of Abstracts COFIL (2016)
  • Chengyong Feng, Brian Kamer, Ladan Arissian, Ali Rastegari, Amin Rasoulof, and J.-C. Diels, Rotational levels contribution in plasma emission from filaments, In Book of Abstracts COFIL (2016)
  • M. Lenzner and J.-C. Diels, The Sagnac Fourier spectrometer (SAFOS), In Fourier Transform Spectroscopy meeting, (2016)
  • James Hendrie, Matthias Lenzner, Ladan Arissian, and Jean-Claude Diels, Large changes in gyro response of a mode-locked laser by creation of slow-light/fast-light with an intracavity Fabry-perot, In Ultrafast Phenomena (2016)
  • Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Brian Kamer, Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Carbon nanotubes for mode-locking: polarization study, In proc. SPIE, 9746 (2016)


  • Chengyong Feng, Xiaozhen Xu, and J.-C. Diels, Spatially-resolved pulse-front-tilt and pulse-width distribution of q-switched pulses from an unstable Nd:YAG resonator, In CLEO, page JTh2A.89 (2015)
  • Chengyong Feng, James Hendrie, Jean-Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Filaments for Raman spectroscopy, n CLEO, page JTh2A.89. Optical Society of America (2015)
  • J. Hendrie, J.-C. Diels, and L. Arissian, Nested Fabry-Perot in mode-locked lasers to monitor minute changes of index, In CLEO, page SF2L.7, Optical Society of America (2015)
  • Shermineh Rostami, Michael Chini, Khan Lim, John Palastro, Magali Durand, Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissianand Matthieu Baudelet, and Martin Richardson, Enhanced supercontinuum generation by polarization control of filamentation in molecular gases, In CLEO, page SF2D.5, Optical Society of America (2015)
  • Ladan Arissian, Shermineh Rostami, and Jean-Claude Diels, Spatial and spectral ellipsometry, In CLEO, page JTu5A.41, Optical Society of America (2015)


  • L. Arissian, K. Masuda, A. Hecht, E. Vaughan and J. C. Diels, Index of refraction measurement with a nested frequency comb, Photonics North (2014)
  • L.Arissian, S. Rostami, B. Kamer, A. Rasoulof and J.C. Diels, Anisotropy of pulse and plasma dynamics in filament propagation, Mathematical Methods and Models in Laser Filamentation (2014)
  • Amin Rasoulof, Danhua Wang, Ladan Arissian, Alejandro B. Aceves and Jean-Claude Diels, Four wave mixing and coupled solitons, In LASE LA106: Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications, Photonics West, 8964-16, SPIE (2014)
  • Shermineh Rostami, Brian Kamer, Ladan Arissian, Jean-Claude M. Diels, and Tamar Seideman, Polarization evolution of laser filaments in air and the contribution of prefilamentation propagation, In LASE LA106: Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications, Photonics West, 8964-62, SPIE (2014)
  • Amin Rasoulof, Brian Kamer, Jean-Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Pump-probe study of plasma generated with linear and circularly polarized filaments in nitrogen, In CLEO, page JTU4A.20, Optical Society of America (2014)
  • Ladan Arissian, Koji Masuda, and Jean-Claude Diels, Generation of a nested frequency comb, In 28th European Frequency and time Forum (EFTF) (2014)
  • Koji Masuda, Matthieu Pellaton, Gaetano Mileti, Ladan Arissian and Jean-Claude Diels, Push-pull optical pumping with a mode-locked laser, In 28th European Frequency and time Forum (EFTF) (2014)
  • Shermineh Rostami, Michael Chini, Khan Lim, Magali Durand, Matthieu Baudelet, Jean-Claude Diels, Martin Richardson and Ladan Arissian, Measurements of the impact of polarization on filaments and the associated supercontinuum, In Filament symposium of Frontier in Optics (FIO), Post Deadline paper (2014)
  • L. Arissian,S. Rostami, B. Kamer and J.C Diels, Polarization evolution; a method to measure nonlinear interaction in light filaments, 5th International Conference on Filamentation (COFIL) (2014).
  • M. Chini, K. Lim, M. Durand, M. Baudelet, M. Richardson, S. Rostami, L. Arissian, and J.C Diels, Spectrum and Polarization of the White-Light Supercontinuum, 5th International Conference on Filamentation (COFIL) (2014)


  • Ladan Aris- sian, Shermineh Rostami, Brian Kamer and Jean-Claude Diels, Evolution of ellipticity of ultrashort ir pulses propagating in air, In CLEO, page JW2A.33 (147) (2013)
  • Koji Masuda, Ladan Arissian, and Jean-Claude Diels, Interwoven frequency comb, In CLEO, JW2A.91, Energy, Sensing, and Nonlinear Optics (2013)
  • Xiaozhen Xu and J.-C. Diels, Stable single-axial-mode operation of injection-seeded Q-switched Nd:YAG laser by real-time resonance tracking method, In CLEO, page CTh4I.8, Optical Society of America (2013)
  • L. Arissian, Shermineh Rostami, Brian Kamer, and Jean-Claude Diels, Modification of the ellipticity of light propagating in air, In DAMOP (Division of atomic and molecular Optics of the American Physical Society) meeting (2013)
  • Xiaozhen Xu and J.-C. Diels, High energy pulse compression through two-pulse interaction mediated by stimulated brillouin scattering in liquid fluorocarbon, In CLEO, page CM3L.4 (2013)


  • K. Masuda, L. Arissian, and J.-C. Diels, Intracavity self-generated 2 pi pulses and coherent population trapping in a mode-locked laser, CLEO 2012
  • L. Arissian, S. Rostami, and J.-C. Diels, Failure of the drude model as applied to fi lamentation in air, DEPS 2012
  • L. Arissian, S. Rostami, and J.-C. Diels, Plasma index of refraction in laser filamentation, Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes 2012


  • V. Kubecek, O. Grepl, M. Cech, J.-C. Diels, and L. Arissian, Beat note characterization from diode pumped passively mode-locked bidirectional ring Nd:VYO4 laser, ICONO/LAT 2010
  • A Schmitt-Sody,K. Masuda A Velten and J.-C. Diels, Optical Magnetic Field Detection: Intracavity Phase Interferometry, International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (UP) 2010
  • V. Kubecek, M. Jelinek, M. Cech, P. Hirsl, and J.-C. Diels, Passively mode-locked quasi-continuously pumped neodymium lasers in a bounce geometry, LPHYS 2010
  • A. Braga, J.-C. Diels, R. Jain, R. Kay, and L. Wang, Bidirectional Mode-Locked Fiber Ring Laser Using Passively Controlled Threshold Gating, CLEO 2010
  • A Schmitt-Sody,K. Masuda A Velten and J.-C. Diels, Intracavity Phase Interferometry for magnetic field sensing, CLEO 2010
  • A. U. Velten, A Schmitt-Sody and J.-C. Diels, Nonlinear index measurement by intracavity interferometry, CLEO 2010
  • J. Yeak, S. Rostami, C. Feng, X. Xu and J.-C. Diels, Do Circularly Polarized Filaments Exist?, CLEO 2010
  • X. Luo, K. Masuda and J.-C. Diels, Carrier to envelope offset coupling via Multiple Quantum Wells, CLEO 2010


  • A. U. Velten, J.-C. Diels, A. Zavadilova, and V. Kubecek, Stabilization of a Two Pulse Intracavity Pumped OPO, CLEO 2009
  • Andreas Schmitt-Sody, Andreas Velten, Koji Masuda, and Jean-Claude Diels, Carrier to envelope offset for the measurement of magnetic fieds, UFO-HFSW 2009
  • D. Mirell, J. Yeak, and J.-C. Diels, Reconciling Two Views of IR Filamentation in Air: Bessel Beams or Plasma-Confined Beams?, CLEO 2009
  • Andreas Velten and Jean-Claude Diels, Nonlinear index measurement by intracavity interferometry, UFO-HFSW 2009
  • X. Luo, A. Braga, L. Arissian, and J.-C. Diels, Differential Mode-Locked Cavity for Measurements of Minute Displacements, CLEO 2009
  • Xuan. Luo, A. P. Braga, L. Arissian, and J.-C. Diels, Intracavity phase measurement towards sub-nanometer resolution, ASSP 2009
  • Rodrigo Alejand Fuentes Inzunza Daniel Mirell, Jeremy Yeak and Jean-Claude Diels, Experimental evidence for the self-guiding and bessel beam models of filamentation using different initial conditions, In CLEO, Optical Society of America (2009)
  • A Schmitt-Sody, A Velten, J.-C. Diels, Synchronously Pumped OPO with Two Pulses per Cavity for Intracavity Phase Measurements, CLEO 2009


  • A. U. Velten, A. Schmitt-Sody, Y. Liu, L. Arissian, and J. Diels, Tunable Semiconductor Hybrid Mode-Locked Laser Using a Tapered Amplifier as Gain Medium, CLEO 2008
  • A. Schmitt-Sody, L. Arissian, A. Velten, and J. Diels, Quantum Mechanical Description of the Dynamics of a Laser with Two Pulse/Cavity Round-Trip, CLEO 2008


  • D. D. Smith, H. Chang, L. Asissian, and J.-C. Diels, Dispersive elements for enhanced laser-gyroscopy and cavity stabilization, Photonics West 2007
  • L. Arissian, A. U. Velten, and J.-C. Diels, Group velocity control by atomic nonlinear response in a laser cavity, CLEO 2007
  • A. U. Velten, V. Kubecek, A. Zavadilova, and J.-C. Diels, Intracavity pumped picosecond OPO for intracavity interferometry, CLEO 2007
  • O. Chalus, A. Sukhininb, A. Acevesb and J.-C. Diels, High Energy, Long Pulse Filaments in Air, CLEO 2007
  • Y. Liu, A. Schmitt-Sody, L. Arissian, and J.-C. Diels, High power hybrid mode-locked tapered amplifier semiconductor laser in an external ring cavity, Ultrafast Optics 2007

Invited Papers


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Matthias Lenzner, James Hendrie, Ning Hsu, Luke Horstman, Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Ladan Arissian, Control of pulse velocity and dispersion in mode-locked lasers, in SPIE OPTO proc. 10934, Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement Enhanced Precision Metrology, 109340C (2019) (Link)


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissian, Atmospheric propagation and impact on solids of short-intense laser pulses, In Ultrashort laser pulse interactions, SPIE Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics III conference, volume 10518, Paper 10638-57, Orlando, FL, 2018. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, The poor man's LIGO, Seminar at Glasgow University, 2018.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Will the attometer resolution follow the attosecond?, Seminar at the Symposium on recollision physics 2018
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Conditions for creating super-radiant emission in the sky, Photonics West, SPIE-LASE volume 10518, pages 10518–52, San Francisco, CA, 2018. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, and Alejandro Aceves, Digging in the past for the filaments of the future, In COFIL 2018, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018
  • Jean-Claude Diels, James Hendrie, Hanieh Afkhamiardakani, Luke Horstman, Ning Hsu, Matthias Lenzner, and Ladan Arissian, Ultrafast lasers for sensors, In 8th EPS-QEOD Europhoton conference, volume invited, Barcelona, Spain, 2018.
  • E. Schubert, D. Mongin, L. de la Cruz, N. Berti, T. Produit, G. Schimmel, A. Rastegari, C. Feng, B. Kamer, L. Arissian, J.C. Diels, J.P. Wolf, J. Kasparian, Optimizing laser-triggered HV discharges and conductivity, International Conference on Laser Filamentation (COFIL)
  • Mathew Britton, Patrick Laferriere, Abdulaziz Alqasem, Ladan Arissian, P.B. Corkum, N2+ gain in a pulsed gas jet, International Conference on Laser Filamentation (COFIL)
  • Ladan Arissian, Brian Kamer, Ali Rastegari, Ultrafast spectroscopy and air lasing with filaments, International Conference on Laser Filamentation (COFIL)
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Invasive surgery of the mode-locked laser: how to perform comb stabilization without electronics, and ultra-sensitive sensible phase sensing, Seminar at Air Force Research Laboratory


  • Ladan Arissian and J.-C. Diels, Cavity designs for GHz frequency combs, Photonics West, SPIE-LASE, volume 10090, pages 10090–5 – invited paper, San Francisco, CA, 2017. SPIE.
  • J-C Diels, Projecting high power density at long distance for standoff spectroscopy, SCIentific eXchange SCIX conference 2017. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, Reno, Nevada, 2017. IOP.
  • M. Lenzner and J.-C. Diels, A Fourier Sagnac interferometer (invited), 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON, page Tu.D4.1, Girona, Spain
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Overview of 2016-2017 filament research at unm, Year 5 annual Review of the ARO 2011 MURI Program on Light Filamentation Science
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Can a table-top laser match (beat?) the 10-18 m resolution of ligo? yes it can! by applying intracavity phase interferometry enhanced by resonant dispersion with mode-locked lasers. , Seminar at the University of Geneva


  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Beam control through nonlinear propagation. , Laser resonators and beam control XVIII, Photonics West, Conference 9727-51, Invited pa- per, San Francisco, CA, 2016. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Overview of 2015 filament research at UNM, Year 4 annual Review of the ARO 2011 MURI Program on Light Filamentation Science
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Matthias Lenzner, Ladan Arissian, Brian Kamer, Amin Rasoulof, Ali Rastegari, and Chengyong Feng, Filaments for long range spectroscopy, Book of Abstracts COFIL 2016, Quebec City, Canada
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Sensing within a mode-locked laser, Seminar at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Frequency combs to detect phase changes of 10−8: Intracavity phase interferometry, Lectures at the Siegman International School on Lasers (Link)
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Can one achieve (beat?) the ligo resolution with a table-top mode-locked laser, Seminar at Cornell University
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Beam control through nonlinear propagation, Laser resonators and beam control XVIII, Photonics West, Conference 9727-51, San Francisco, CA. SPIE
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Intracavity phase interferometry, enhancement of the phase response with dispersion, Siegman School
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Overview of 2015 filament research at unm, Year 4 Annual Review of the ARO 2011 MURI Program on Light Filamentation Science


  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Two pulses waltzing in a laser cavity: exploiting the fs laser as the ultimate sensor, Seminar at the Max Planck Institute
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissian, Chenyong Feng, Ali Rastegari, and Brian Kamer, To be Announced, Conference on Laser, Weather, and Climate 2015 (LWC2015), Geneva
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Matthias Lenzner, Kristen Peterson, and Ladan Arissian, Standoff detection of radiological materials using light filaments, Report for the Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development NNSA


  • Ladan Arissian and Jean-Claude Diels, “Multiple wavelengths interacting in a filament (Invited paper)”, 5th International Conference on Filamentation (COFIL), Shanghai, China
  • Jean-Claude Diels et al. , Visualization of light filamentation in air and liquids, LASE LA106: Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications, Photonics West, Invited paper, San Francisco, CA. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Exploiting the “power and precision of lasers” for nuclear forensics, 23rd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI), Invited paper, San Antonio, TX
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, High power/high energy pulse generation and propagation, IEEE Photonics Conference 2014, pages WG2.2, Invited paper, San Diego, CA
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Interaction of filaments with their surroundings, Filament symposium of Frontier in Optics (FIO) 2014, LTh3H.3, Invited paper, Tucson, AZ
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Nonlinear interaction including phase couplings in Optical Parametric Amplifiers Seminar, Institut National de la Recherche Scientific (INRS) Varennes, Canada
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Experimental characterization of single filaments; providing realistic parameters for numerical simulations, Mathematical Methods and Models in Laser Filamentation, Montreal, 10 - 14 March
  • Jean-Claude Diels, You cannot buy all your research results with $$$, Optics Seminar, CHTM, UNM November 20
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, UV/IR filaments for high resolution novel spectroscopic interrogation of plumes of nuclear materials, DTRA meeting, Springfield, July 21st
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Combining Electromagnetic fields and filaments, Light Filamentation Science meeting, Washington DC, November 3


  • Koji Masuda, Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissian and Xuan Luo, Intracavity phase interferometry and its application to magnetometry, LASE LA106: Nonlinear Frequency
  • Koji Masuda, Jean-Claude Diels, Ladan Arissian and Xuan Luo, Intracavity phase interferometry and its application to magnetometry, In paper, San Francisco, CA. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Laser-matter interaction at unm/chtm, CLS- ALLS Workshop on Advanced Photon and Electron Sources, Val David, Qu´ebec, Canada
  • J.-C. Diels and L. Arissian, Power and Precision with laser pulses, Short pulse strong field Laser physics international symposium, Qu´ebec City, Qu´ebec, Canada, 2013
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Nested Frequency combs, 4 corners APS conference, October 18, 2013
  • , 4D filament movie and high voltage discharge, MURI “filament science” annual review, Washington dc, November 2013
  • , UV/IR filaments for high resolution novel spectroscopic interrogation of plumes of nuclear materials, DTRA annual review, Springfield, VA. August 2013.
  • L. Arissian, Amin Rasoulof, Shermineh Rostami, Xiaozhen Xu, and Jean-Claude Diels, Non- equilibrium plasma index, Laser resonators and beam control XIV, Proceedings of Photonics West, Invited paper, San Francisco, CA, SPIE.


  • L. Arissian, K. Masuda, and J.-C. Diels, Fine control of ultrashort pulse trains with a fabry-perot intracavity resonator. In Laser resonators and beam control XIV, Proceedings of Photonics West, Invited paper, San Jose, CA, 2012. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Light filaments: an intricate case of light matter? matter-light interaction, In CLEO/QEL’ 12, Nonlinear Optical Technologies, Invited Tutorial paper, San Jose, CA, 2012. OSA.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Single filaments/microscopic approach uv and ir., 1st annual workshop on Filamentation Science
  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Experiments with nested ir-uv filaments, 4th Internation Conference on Filamentation (COFIL)
  • Ladan Arissian and Jean-Claude Diels, Strong field ionization effect on filament formation; a femtosecond observation of index of refraction, 4th International Conference on Filamentation (COFIL)


  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, Carrier to envelope offset and carrier to envelope phase; how their control impacts femtosecond and attosecond phenomena (tutorial talk), Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2010 - 94th OSA Annual Meeting, page FTuX, Rochester, NY, 2010. Optical Society of America.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Filaments: raising questions about polarization, plasma, conical emission., Third Internal Conference on filamentation, COFIL, Aghia Pelaghia, Crete, Greece
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Filaments infra-rouge et ultraviolet dans l’atmosphere: illusion d’optique, ou “boulets optiques”?, Seminar at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Shermineh Rostami, Chengyong Feng, Daniel Mirell, and Jeremy Yeak, Supercontinuum generaton inside a filament: white lie or reality?, In SPIE’s International Symposium, Photonics Europe (EPE10), pages 7728–39, Brussels, Belgium, 2010. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Ultrahigh resolution interferometry with ultrashort pulses, Seminar at Southampton University


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Trying to get the CEO under control, as well as the CEP, Laser Physics 2009, LPHYS’09, Invited paper, Barcelona, Spain
  • Jean-Claude Diels, J. Yeak, D. Mirell, R. Fuentes, S. Rostami, D. Faccio, and P. di Trapani, Air filaments and vacuum, Laser Physics 2009, LPHYS’09, Invited paper, Barcelona, Spain
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Progress on the understanding of ir and uv filaments, ARO Workshop on Light Filamentation
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Bessel beams versus plasma channels, STELLA Workshop
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Incorporating source and application with ultrashort pulse lasers, The Rank Prize Funds: Mini-Symposium On Ultrashort Pulse Sources
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Pot pourri on short pulse applications: short pulses for long distance propagation, and infinitesimal changes in optical path, Seminar at Ohio State University


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Xiaozhen Xu, Olivier Chalus, Alejandro Aceves, and Alexey Sukhinin, Control of high energy uv filaments in the atmosphere, In Laser resonators and beam control X, Proceedings of Photonics West, Invited paper, San Jose, CA, January 2008. SPIE.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Alejandro Aceves, Xiaozhen Xu, Olivier Chalus, Alexey Sukhinin, and Alain Bourdier, Filamentation with ultraviolet pulses, CLEO/QEL’ 08, Joint symposium on filamentation in air, Invited paper, San Jose, CA, May 2008.
  • Jean-Claude Diels, The choice of the optimum metrology method for a given problem., Lecture serie at the University of Bordeaux
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Alejandro Aceves, Xiaozhen Xu, Daniel Mirell, Jeremy Yeak, Alexey Sukhinin, Olivier Chalus, and Alain Bourdier, Steady state to femtosecond filaments, Second International Symposium on Filamentation, Invited paper, Paris, France, September 2008
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Le laser a blocage de mode: Un detecteur de sensibilite extreme, Seminar, Physics Research Group, Thales Research and Technology France
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Alejandro Aceves, Xiaozhen Xu, Daniel Mirell, Jeremy Yeak, Alexey Sukhinin, Olivier Chalus, and Alain Bourdier, Launching filaments from vac- uum., Laser Physics’08, LPHYS’08, Invited paper, Trondheim, Norway, July 2008


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Filaments: raising questions about polarization, plasma, conical emission from the filament to the cable, Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy 20-21 August, Leon, Mexico
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Applications with not-so-short pulses: High energy filaments in air, and scanning nanoscopy, Seminar, Frei University of Berlin, Group of Professor Woeste
  • Jean-Claude Diels, Scanning nanoscopy, Seminar, Quality Vision International, Inc.



  • Jean-Claude Diels, Martin Richardson and Ladan Arissian, In preparation: A book on "Filament Science", Not yet completed


  • Jean-Claude Diels and Ladan Arissian, The Power and Precision of Light, John Wiley Publisher 200 pages, published October 2011. (A book for layman, prepared at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the laser)


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Wolfgang Rudolph, Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena: Fundamentals, techniques and applications on a femtosecond time scale, Elsevier/Academic Press, Series "Optics and Photonics", Boston (1996 - 2006); third edition in preparation.

Book Chapters


  • Ladan Arissian and Jean-Claude Diels, Mode-locked lasers, In Encyclopedia of Modern Optics. Elsevier (2017)
  • Xuan Luo, Ning Hsu, Jens Biegert, and Ladan Arissian., Pulse compression in parametric ampli cation, Cassandra Strickland, editor, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, in press. Wiley (2017)


  • Jean-Claude Diels, and Ladan Arissian, Ultrashort Optical sources and applications, M. Bass, editor, Optics Handbook Vol. I, McGraw-Hill, New-York (2010)


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Jason Jones and Ladan Arissian, Applications to sensors of extreme sensitivity, Jun Ye and Stephen Condiff, editors, Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Principle, Operation and Applications. chapter 3, Springer, New York, NY (2004)


  • Jens Biegert and Jean-Claude Diels, Pulse Compression: Type II Second Harmonic Pulse Compression, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (#17). John G. Webster, editor, pages 446-454. IEEE (1998)


  • Xin Miao Zhao, Scott Diddams, and Jean-Claude Diels, Applications of ultrashort pulses, F. J. Duarte, editor, Tunable Lasers Applications. chapter 4, pages 113-151. Marcel Dekker, New York, N. Y. (1995)


  • Xin Miao Zhao and Jean-Claude Diels, Ultrashort sources, M. Bass, editor, Optics Handbook Vol. I, chapter 14, pages 14.1-14.29. McGraw-Hill, New-York (1994)


  • Jean-Claude Diels, Femtosecond dye lasers, Duarte & Hillman, editors, Dye Lasers, chapter 3, pages 41-132. Academic Press, Boston (1990)