Laser Physics II Spring 2025

Physics 564 (ECE 564 ), Laser Physics II

Mondays and Wednesdays, 15:30:00 to 16:45 pm, CHTM - room 101

Spring 2025


Jean-Claude Diels

Physics & Astronomy room PAIS 2236, phone 277 4026

CHTM, room 114A, phone 272 7830 email:




Some reading material: Ultrafast Phenomena, 3rd edition (draft)



Introduction - simple concepts review of wave, velocities, superposition, velocities, Maxwell's second order to first order equation, slowly varying approximation.

Polarization manipulation, waveplates, Jones matrices   Linear and angular momentum; geometric polarization manipulation by reflection,

review of Fresnel equations --> TIR  --> Fabry-Perot --> FTIR

Polarization Ellipse; Jones matrices

Multiple order waveplates -polarization preserving fibers as sensors and as waveplates

Multiple order waveplates for attosecond pulse generation

Attosecond pulses, CEP and CEO

Part I: Laser oscillators, dispersion, Kerr effect, Ti-sapphire

Part II: Low rep rate combs

high rep-microcomb-Pound-Drever-Hall


AMPLIFICATION: Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification (OPCPA)


Recommended book: "Fundamentals of attosecond physucs" by Dr. Zenghu Chang



Homework I - Polarization - Solution HW1

Homework II Polarizationb gating - approach with 2 frequencies